Friday, September 16, 2011

After finally finishing constructing my new room or "super lair" as I now wish it to be referred, I settled into my bed and prepared for what I thought would be a magnificent night of sleep. But, instead of waking to the soft, warm rays of the Portuguese sun, I was awoken by a group of drunken vandals, hell bent on destruction. When I was first startled awake by voices in the hall I thought it was just people coming home, but the faint smell of vegetables mixed with whiskey on their breath gave them away as something much more dangerous. Shitfaced Vegetarians. Well, I am convinced they were vegetarians anyway. Only lovers of produce could perform such an act so brutal. These veggie fucks opened all the trash I had put outside the door and commenced to litter the entire hallway with bits of my unwanted belongings.   It was as if someone vomited an unflattering portrait of me all over the stairs. Old clothes, embarrassing Cd's(Cindy Laupers greatest hits) and various other bits of my unwanted life lay there mocking me and my wastefulness. I immediately ran to the window to see if I could catch a glimpse of these hoodlums, but I only saw their skinny mal-nourished silhouettes and the back of their protein deficient heads. Damn kids these days just want to watch MTV, eat vegetables and gang-bang. So after a sleepless night, I am sitting here at work reconnecting with a cigarette after 8 hours apart and I thought I'd drop you a line explaining just what the hell this is.  Basically it's a "blog that Smerds."  What that is exactly, I am not sure.  It's a place where I will be posting music, photos and other bits of irrelevant cultural findings that I like, think you might like or inspire me.  Probably will end up being a site with random pictures of cat's asses, but we'll see.   I would love to eat your face.

Hypnolove's Island presents : Holiday Reverie from Record Makers on Vimeo.

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